Yes, but the following conditions must be met:
You started the term on Academic Probation and were required to earn at least a 2.0 for the term to continue on academic probation. You did not earn a minimum 2.0 for the term, so you were placed on Academic Suspension for two semesters. OR
You started the term on Academic Probation after being suspended for two semesters and were required to earn at least a 2.0 for the term to continue on academic probation. You did not earn a minimum 2.0 for the term, so you were placed on Academic Suspension for three semesters.
It means you cannot be enrolled at Northwest for the next two semesters. Example: If you are suspended at the end of fall, you must sit out spring and summer and can apply to be re-admitted next fall.
It means you cannot be enrolled at Northwest for the next three semesters. Example: If you are suspended at the end of fall, you must sit out spring, summer, and fall and can apply to be re-admitted the following spring.
It means you are no longer eligible to continue enrollment at Northwest. You have been academically dismissed.
If academic performance for the semester was impacted by extenuating circumstances (illness, death in the family, etc.), you have the option to petition the Committee on Academic Petitions for a late course drop, late withdraw, or early re-admission following suspension.
Contact your advisor to discuss the possibility for petitioning as a result of extenuating circumstances.
You must submit the appropriate petition form (General Petition or Late Course Drop) to the Registrar's Office (
The form requires signatures (or an email sent to the Registrar's office) from the instructor, advisor and/or Director/Department Chair as indicated on the form.
The committee typically meets the week before the start of the new semester. Please plan to submit your petition by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 5, for consideration.
You are welcome to call the Registrar's Office before 5 p.m. on the day of the committee meeting to learn the decision.
The Registrar sends a notification letter to your Northwest email account following the committee meeting.
An appeal process is in place to hear new information that was not available to the first committee.
Your advisor should be consulted for guidance in developing this petition.
The form must be submitted to the Registrar's office complete with appropriate signatures or emails from appropriate parties.
Once the complete petition is in the Registrar’s office, a committee meeting is called and a meeting time coordinated to allow the student to visit with the committee either in person or via conference call.
At the end of the committee meeting, you will be informed of the decision verbally by the committee.
Faculty are often in Department/College/University meetings the week prior to the beginning of the semester. Email is the best way to communicate with them regarding your situation.
You may also contact the Student Success Center (660.562.1695) for general information regarding this process.